How does this make me feel? Sad to have lost precious photos I can't get back. Annoyed I have to somehow recollect the 10,000 songs I had acquired. Pretty sick about the countless writings, thoughts, projects I can no longer claim. But other than that...I feel pretty clean. Maybe an unintentional fresh start is a good thing?
So kids, keep in mind from a girl who knows:
1. Drunk driving is bad bad bad
2. Get good grades in high school and college
3. Workout for sanity and health and in case you need to defend yourself
4. There is such a thing as too many Red Bull vodkas
5. Guys have feelings too
6. Your best friends are your best friends, and they'll never let you down
7. You need to work hard to get places
8. If a guy orders a frozen drink and he's not in Mexico or Hawaii, stay away
9. If it sounds bad when you say it out loud- it is
10. Back up your files on your computer