Cost of $4.19 dollars per hour of job searching
Listening to three "intellectuals" talk about the real societal role of a waitress
Watching a woman knit. Or wait, is that crocheting?
Lovely burning fireplace
Being in the company of other laid offs, socialites, stay-at-homes, escapees
Why are people still riding bikes in the middle of the winter?
And why does the woman from the bike have a Barbie Doll in her leg pocket, and one in the back of her pants?
Why can't this just be my job?
I agree...getting paid to observe/give commentary on the 'not so right' antics of the rest of society should definitely be allowed.
Some socialites, some people riding bikes in the middle of winter, and a lady with Barbies in her pocket... Sounds like the setup for an obviously bad joke. lol... what a unique mixture of citizens
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