I know by writing what I see, writing about my experiences in my little peephole into existence, I am telling my side of the story. Sometimes it isn't even my side, but the perception I've decided to take for the day. Sometimes I even leap to the other side and write from another perspective, just to try things on for the day. But life happens in 360 degrees, and unless you're one of those people on The Matrix, it's impossible to get a view in the round. If we all understood motives and feelings and actions by everyone in the world, it wouldn't be the world we live in. We'd probably run ourselves extinct from over population. We'd all have to be friends, and man would that be boring.
I guess by writing this I just want to be fair. I want to take a moment to admit that I know I am not always right, I see life through this body, I make mistakes (which I hope I readily admit to and learn something from) and I have been on the side of people not understanding who I am, what I am about, and the stupid things I've done. But I do believe the side I take here-as somebody has been on this side. The next day I'll step 15 degrees to the right, and I'll join the new person. The person from yesterday will think I'm ludicrous.
(My favorite side is Chelsea Handler's though, as whatever side she's on is hilarious and what I deem absolute truth. You should too.)
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