Monday, March 29, 2010

Is It Possible To Be Chemically Dependent on a Human?

I think I might have a chemical dependency on another human. And I've been looking for treatment options, but there doesn't seem to be any. No health insurance coverage for this addiction.

You might be thinking to yourself: This chick is crazy. How can she be chemically addicted to a human? But I'm telling you, the chemical makeup of me gets high on the chemical makeup of another. This person is my crack cocaine. No matter how much I try to resist temptation, the high is so great that I risk the lowest of lows for a little taste of the candy. Defying all logic it's like a magnetic force pulling me in and I have zero power to stop it.

It's terrible. I need hypnosis or rehab or something.


Anonymous said...

you planning on telling us about the person ? guy ? girl ? superhero ?

Girl Twentiesh said...


Anonymous said...

do not say it !!! tell me you are not a weak woman !!! his is an EX for a reason !!! BE STRONG !!!

Betty said...

OMG! I feel your pain. I have been through this exact same thing (except mine wasn't an ex, it was "another"). I would physically CRAVE their presence, smell, sound, ANYTHING. I got absolutely grouchy, moody, and even headachy without my regular "fix".

The only therapy I found even remotely successful was complete and total avoidance (agreed upon by both parties). But the second there was ANY contact between us, all the old addictive yearnings started.

Its a pheromone (sp?) thing I think.

LibraryGirl62 said...

a friend just sent me a "Text From Last Night"-If you weren't supposed to have sex with your ex, then they wouldn't rhyme...step awy from the train wreck :)
**I just hit "next blog" on blogger and came across your blog-you made me smile-keep it up!"

Euphoria413 said...

oh well yeah, i think its possible to be dependent on a another human being. especially with an old flame.

I'm actually also going through the same thing. Only that, I was strong enough coz for some reason the more I fight, the more the feeling of yearning becomes intense.

It's weird eh?